When I first started playing and I'd get it in good and lose or get owned by AA with KK, I'd throw a tantrum, cuss at the screen, and slam my mouse around. This negative behavior really messed with my poker sessions and my overall mood even outside from the virtual felt. I've gotten a lot better at not caring about the beats (by playing overrolled) but I've got a long long long way to go. Not to sound like a dwan fan boy, but when you watch the videos where dwan gets sucked out on he just gives a blank indifferent stare. I would love to have that discipline but I know in reality I'm quite far from it.
Lately I've been running so damn hot. My bluffs all seem to be working, my cbets generally work, and I've had a few coolers going my way. Add in some very thin value betting and tight (but correct) folds, you can see that I've had a killer October so far. I know my winrate is unsustainable over a larger sample, but hopefully this run-good can continue because if I want to jump into 100NL then I'm definitely going to need the confidence. As of right now I feel that I can beat 100NL pretty handily, I just need to make sure that the variance doesn't get to my head especially if I run bad for my first few sessions there. I'd love to be able to just sit comfortably at 100NL for just 2 months maybe even 3 months just making a ton of money. Albert has tried moving up to 1/2 but he's been getting crushed. The competitive part of me wants to take a shot so i can be a 200NL reg, but the realistic part of me wants to stay at 100NL, build a bankroll, then figure out my long term goals from there.
Anyways, I posted my October graph so far. 20 buyins in 8k+ hands is so sick. So so sick. I'm glad school is done for the week so hopefully tables will look good tomorrow so I can put in a ton of volume. Albert put in 2k+ hands today which I have trouble doing since my sessions are only 1-1.5k hands. If the tables stay soft I'll be able to play longer... And I'm definitely going to put in some serious lockdown sessions on Friday and Saturday night. Come to me fishies :)
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